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Mary Nelson with Julien Kohler Trio

Swanbar, Paris

- Cet événement n'est plus disponible à la réservation dans cette salle -
Suède / américaine chanteuse de jazz Mary Nelson, de concert avec le jazz trio français Julien Kohler Trio.

Mary Nelson is an Swedish/American jazz singer living in Stockholm, but with Europe, USA and Scandinavia as her jazz scene.

The collaboration with French jazz pianist Julien Kohler came to start after a jam session in Stockholm in January 2013 and they decided to record an album together. The album was recorded by world legendary sound technician Gert Palmcrantz, known for recording jazz albums for Miles Davies, Alice Babs and many more and is released worldwide through Jazz Record Company DoMusic.

Mary Nelson with Julien Kohler trio have been playing together at jazz clubs in Paris and will be on a tour of Scandinavia and Europe throughout the fall of 2014 and spring/summer of 2015.

Auteur(s) : Mary Nelson
Artiste(s) : Mary Nelson
Metteur en scène : Mary Nelson

Pour Tout public


Langue : Anglais
Durée : 120 minutes soit 02h00

Evénements associés :
Speranza Galez : Countdown 1
Lembe Lokk : Songs of Leonard Cohen
Max & les Ferrailleuses invitent François Jeanneau
Bert de Kort : All Stars
Nirek Mokar & his boogie messengers
Amaury Faye Quartet : Arise (suite)
Xavier Belin : Pleonasme Saison 3 #JazzDeDemain
#Résidence Julia
Le Bruit et la Fureur
Surnatural Orchestra : Clameurs