Michael Shafar : Well Worth the Chemo - English Comedy in Paris La Pomme d'Eve Affiche

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où cet événement eut lieu :
La Pomme d'Eve, 75005 Paris

Michael Shafar : Well Worth the Chemo - English Comedy in Paris

La Pomme d'Eve, Paris

- Cet événement n'est plus disponible à la réservation dans cette salle -

En ce moment dans cette salle :

An English Stand-Up Comedy Show with Michael Shafar—The Rising Star of Australian Comedy !

Michael Shafar, Australia's fastest-rising star is bringing his show back to Paris, after last year's success! His favorite review comes from his oncologist, who simply said: "Great show, Michael. You were well worth the chemo."
Shafar is a Jewish, cancer-surviving, ex lawyer, professional comic who's taking social by storm! He has 80+ million views online, two specials on Amazon and YouTube, and sell-out performances at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
He is currently touring Europe with his funniest (and edgiest) show yet, Shafar explains how to reverse the brutal history of colonization, why women should drunk-drive, which religion is correct and the importance of chemo patients being allowed to smoke.

"Shafar circumnavigates the line between edgy and offensive with beautiful finesse" - ½ The Age
"If you fear comedy has gotten too politically correct, Shafar will put those fears to rest." - TimeOut

Evénement proposé par PLATESV-D-2023-006831

Pour Tout public
à partir de 15 ans

One man show

Langue : Anglais
Durée : 75 minutes soit 01h15

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