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Ses critiques

Plateau d'humoristes: Comedy Revolution

-Great experience!

It's definitely my favorite English comedy show in Paris! I'll be back!
# écrit le 15/10/24 , a vu cet évènement avec

Improvisation: Surviving Paris! : English Improv Comedy Night

-Amazing show!

This was one of the funnies improv show I've seen! Anna and Tamara are a great duo on stage and an absolute pleasure to watch. This show is a true gem in Paris!
# écrit le 12/08/24 , a vu cet évènement avec

Stand-up: Lisa Perrio dans Tellement

-Great show!

Saw it today and really liked it!
# écrit le 08/04/24

One Woman Show: Anna Ampatziani dans Shame !

-Hilarious comedy show!

Anna's one woman comedy show is a delightful blend of great jokes and smart humor, delivered with impeccable timing and wit. Her ability to seamlessly weave in an important message throughout the performance adds depth and meaning to the laughter. Ampatziani's clever insights and captivating storytelling keep the audience engaged from start to finish, making this show a must-see for anyone looking for a night of laughter with substance! Totally recommended!
# écrit le 07/04/24

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